Jul 8, 2009

Redeemer & Redemption

Nothing real crazy to write...but I wanted to share a thought I'm sifting through & that is - the words "Redeemer (only found in the OT - which surprised me) & Redemption".

The words deal with the buying back or re-purchasing of something. The making new again...They are about taking something from one owner & buying it back or about recreating something to it's former state...

It's hard for us to see/find value in something that is all messed up...Like an old car - that's rusted...missing parts...been in a wreck...etc... Yet, someone that knows how to restore (redeem) it sees it quite differently than us. Watch a Barrett-Jackson Car Auction & you'll see the value of something seemingly of little value redeemed - often to values none of us would ever pay...

Well, when one looks at another life that's all messed up - it's hard to see any value left - because of the wreck(sin)...damages...etc...But God - the Redeemer - somehow is able to see the inherent value of our soul/life & ONLY He is able to redeem us from our sins...Simply because He knows the value of restoration & redemption...

I mean - isn't that the Gospel? Isn't that the Story of Jesus' life, death & Resurrection?

Beyond me needing to be redeemed - what about all the others around us?

For me - I'm trusting the Redeemer...

Just a thought...


Kim said...

Amen! I am trying hard to not forget what Jesus was all about. "...For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him."

1 John "...he appeared so that He might take away our sins."

Unknown said...

HE paid MUCH to high a price for us...the church/humanity...for us not to see what He GIVES us... and what He expects US TO GIVE OTHERS all freely...Whom much is given, much IS required...but does anyone remember the parable about debts that were owed??? Do you think the man that had the smaller debt that was forgiven or the larger debt that was forgiven was more appreciative about their burdon being lifted??? They both recieved the same forgiveness for a debt they could not pay, but the one that owed the larger debt that was restored and made debt free...by someone that owed NOTHING...well what do you think??? I'm here to tell you as one who had LARGE debt forgiven I am redeemed by the blood of the lamb and when we the church stop trying to collect interest on other peoples debts and stop charging them with things that are no longer visible on their account..(thank GOD He wipes the slate clean)...then maybe we would be able to take the time to get our own house in order...the thief comes to kill, steel and destroy but when we are redeemed we must remember...no more lambs need to be slane...so that we don't massacre our brothers and sisters in a rage about who owes more or was bought at what price...ALL CHILDREN OF GOD OWED A DEBT WE COULDN'T PAY...BUT..HE PAID IT ANYWAY...Not for any of us to think we are better than anyone else, but for us to realize He is greater than any of the debts that we owe...He will restore what the locust has taken...

Unknown said...

Just a thought... and a good one. Thanks

Ann said...

Pastor Bob....if there is anything I can do for you and Shawn? You have always been there for me...always, even facing adversity....? Paying it forward is an honor...Please let me know