Jan 24, 2012

Church Attenders ONLY...


This blog comes with a clause... "For Church Attenders ONLY".

If you don't really go to church - perhaps there will be something you can help me understand as well.  But, I'm really wanting to hear from the church attending part of the world.

Here's the Question.

Why Have we gotten so used to just not going to church on a regular basis?

It seems like for many of us - church attendance is more of a "I'll go if it's convenient" thing, than it is an "I'll go because it matters" thing.

I don't think "are you going to church?" should be a question for Christ followers.  Period.

I don't get it.

And, obviously, those that have gotten into this mode - are completely fine with it.

Attend if there's nothing else going on.

Attend if there weather is not messy.

Attend because we haven't been in a while & we need to show up...so they know we are not dead.

I'm completely serious.

What the HELL?

Has church become that irrelevant to your journey?

Has your church become that unimportant to your spiritual life & growth?

I seriously doubt it.

I don't think it's the church at all.

I mean - is it possible that some churches are irrelevant...unimportant or whatever.  YES.

But, is it possible that ALL the churches are?  No way.

I think it's us.

We have gotten to where we are absolutely comfortable with a more shallow walk with Christ.

We have gotten to where we are no longer disturbed by this in & of ourselves.

We see church as an option to our faith.

We see church as being "not convenient" to the rest of what we do.

I get it, when there are legitimate reasons for not being there.  I get it, that there are times other things prevail.  I get it, that sometimes there's a good reason for not being there.

I don't get it, when that's the norm for someone or their home.

It's so easy to get out of the "church on Sunday" habit...then so hard to get back into it.

I don't know.

I'm looking for answers here.

I'm looking for some real, honest feedback on this.

Because I'm bothered by it.

Part of what bothers me is this.  I didn't have a church for almost a year.

I know what it feels like to "not have a church" to call home.

I know what it feels like to "want a place to call home".


When you have one...why is attending it unimportant?

I'm not meaning to rant.  I seriously don't get it.

It bothers me at a personal level...because my family & I have been "churchless".

It bothers me at a pastoral level...because I care about your growth in Him.

It bothers me at a passionate level...because IMO, there's something not right in your passion for Him.


help me understand.



Holly said...

so true. makes me crazy too. and the excuses are unending ....

I do think it says a lot about the relationship they have with Jesus, sleeping in is more important than serving, learning, fellow-shipping, you are SO right when you said

"I don't think "are you going to church?" should be a question for Christ followers. Period."



Leslie Guinto said...

I whole heartedly agree!! I've been saying the same thing for awhile!! Great Post!!

Kim Davis said...

Good question!

A.J. Panebianco said...

It has to be about fellowship, praise and worship….and of course the message. Those who wish to have a relationship as opposed to just a place to meet and greet…show up and look forward to it. However, being part of a church requires more than just showing up. One has to participate, get involved, and be an example for the ones who are looking for an excuse not to attend. It sounds like a hard job…but it is easy…Jesus did all the hard work we just have to ask…just a thought…form one who has been in both the categories…attending when expected or convenient and the active member…I get much more out of the latter.

lindy said...

I have to agree but I think its a little of everything. Okay here what it is for me. Sometimes its because I am beaten down and so tired that I can hardly get out of the bed plus get me and my childern all showered, dressed and ready plus all the hassle trying to get them out the door. Sometimes I am worn out that I so desperaly want to go but really cant. Or before I didt really feel that I was connected to the church or that it was the right place for me but with having kids I can very well drag them from church to church. Its hard on them and they dont adjust well with that. I still cant get my 8 year old to go to childerns church now. Also church has lost its value, like I dont want to go to church just to go. I want to go because I cant go a week without it. Its depends on where I am with my relationship with Jesus. If I am close to him I just cant wait to be with him and other worshipers. I now have finally found a church that I have been waiting on. Becaue I feel so many church have become show. Not a real place where you get real and get down to the real deal. A place that is not about show but about being true to the bible and people. I think I made a few points and hope it helps. Just kind of rambled them off the top of my head.I get waht your saying but think it both the person and church, I had a rant like that today about how people dont really care about others anymore. Maybe its we have just become so selfish.......I dont know the answer but I am going to be kicking this around in my head, to find the root of the problem.

Deanna said...

Maybe some people take the DAY OF REST literally. NOT trying to be funny. There was a time in my life that I felt Sunday was MY day of rest. It was a sense of entitlement that was developed out of GUILT. I was working Monday- Saturday. I had very little time to spend with my family during the week and when I did spend time, I was often too tired to enjoy them. The guilt that I felt skipping Church was not as great as the guilt I felt by not spending time with my family. As crazey as that may sound, I rationalized it and Church became something we did on Christmas, Easter and other holidays ONLY. Was my thinking way off? YUP!!! But thats how it is to be easily decieved by the DECIEVER. He used GUILT to pull me and my family from the thing we needed the most!

Desiree said...

We are a military family and when moving around finding a church we love is hard and somewhat intimidating. Though when I look back at the places we've lived it is quite clear the places we've loved the most are the ones where we loved our church! Finding the church is half the battle and once that’s done the other part can sound like a laundry list of excuses. In the beginning it can be as simple as not wanting to go alone if my husband is away with work. As a previous poster mentioned if we over sleep then we are rushing around and don’t want to walk in late so we just forgo coming at all. Having young kids is another easy excuse if they are slow-moving and we can’t get out the door in time, again we end up just not going. Of course none of this should matter and setting the alarm for 10 minutes earlier would fix most of it!

Anonymous said...

This is something I have been struggling with ever since I got into the habit of not attending, and lately when I open the bible I fall into scripture that specifically addresses Sunday worship. You're correct in saying that once we fall out, it's so hard to get back in.... there really is no acceptable excuse, and if we can view attendance as something we can't live without verses an obligation, I believe it would be a different world, but how do you create that shift in thinking or perception?

Anonymous said...

Some are just not for organized religion. We can follow Him on our own, in our own way, and do not need the many challenges that many churches have to bring. When I went to Faith Alive, that was the ONLY time I had ever gone to church every Sunday. Then things fell apart, and so did my want to go to church every Sunday. Don't get me wrong, I still worship Him on my own, but I have yet to find a church that I feel comfortable going to after Faith Alive. I guess I'm not really looking either.

G said...

I'm sure you're not the only one that's not really gotten back into things since FAM. Obviously, some of that lands right in my lap. I would assume you know we have started a ministry again...but again - there are some who don't see that as an option anymore - since my fail. I appreciate your last line "I guess I'm not looking either". All I can do is encourage you to get back in the search...I know we can follow Him on our own - but there are certain things we can only find while together. thx for your reply. keep me & mine in prayer - as I will you. b

Kelly said...

First, I must say this bothers me too, greatly! When people in other countries meet underground and in fear to praise God corporately, we complain that the music is too loud ... Kills me!! Secondly, and not to step on anyone's toes, I must say, to let a mere man's failure justify your lack of interest in church just doesn't make sense. Our faith should be strong enough to never be shaken - even if your pastor has been shaken. The answer I believe God has given me about the church goer habits has been written, 'Narrow is the way', and 'some will come before the Father ... And He will say, 'depart from me, I never knew you'. I'm not saying you have to go to church to know God, but God certainly wants to know us in the Body. Where we are 'planted' we will flourish. Don't hate on me, it's in the bible :) Anyway, that's what I believe.

Kelly said...

And good for you, Bob (whom I have only heard about) for taking the responsibility of those scattered. Better to have done it now than never. Praying for you.

G said...

Kelly, thanks for your prayers. And, thanks for reading & replying. Stay strong.

Christy said...

It's definitely VERY hard to get into the habit or groove of going to church again. I stopped going every Sunday (I was involved too) because of surgery. But that was almost 2 years ago! And it is extremely hard to go by yourself and feel lonely and out of place. I just feel like I don't belong...I'm not part of the "in group" of church. And it's hard to feel accepted or liked again. I feel like I'm being judged and I don't want to feel that way. But regardless of how I feel about "church," I know I need to get back to going for the fellowship, worship, and learning for myself, my family, and my relationship with Jesus. I've even been having dreams about church and all you guys lately so I definitely know God is telling me something I already know and pushing me to do what I need to do. Hope to see you guys soon.