Sep 22, 2009

Nothing Happened!?

Two phrases in the NT - both spoken by Jesus. 1) Nothing will be impossible & 2) All things are possible.

Normally we link the two together as meaning the same thing. And - they probably fit & work together. But, think about the phrase "Nothing will be impossible".

"Nothing will be impossible". How about this - as a believer - or better with God in you - to have nothing happen is impossible or, to do nothing is impossible.

Do you hear it? God is not a passive God. For Him it's IMPOSSIBLE to do nothing.

Jesus said it like this - My Father is ALWAYS at work. Always - that's 24/7 365! The Father is always up to something. It's impossible for Him to not be & it's also impossible for Nothing to be happening - IN Us...TO Us...AROUND Us...FOR Us...etc...

I.e With faith in God - there should never be a time that we can finish a day & think "nothing happened". Why? Nothing is Impossible! We shouldn't be able to look at our circumstances - no matter how bad & deduct - "nothing is happening". Why? Nothing is Impossible!

Somewhere & somehow - God is up to to Something...It's His nature to be so...

And then - because of Him - ALL things become Possible...


Aug 13, 2009


In John 8:1 - 11, a story is told of a REAL LIFE sinner. So real, the story lets us know that there was no room for doubt about the sin nor the guilt of it. No room - because the sinner was "caught in the very act" of the sin. The sin - adultery.

To get the full story - you need to understand a few things.

1 - For whatever reason the men knew that this woman "would". Somehow they knew that they could use her to try to set Jesus up on how He'd deal with this sin & the sinner. Did they know she "would" because she had before? Was she easy? We don't know - but they picked her for some obvious reason. I guess you could say she had a reputation.

2 - The people wanted to set Jesus up - because the LAW said that this sin warranted death as the punishment. The law said both parties should be stoned to death. The trick to this is that Jesus didn't come to break any law. The Bible says that He came to fulfil the law. So, how would Jesus save her life and not break the law?

So, Jesus what do you say about that? What can you offer a full blown sinner?

How will you not break the law and yet not have the guilty destroyed?

Picture it

They have literally dragged this woman from the act to the feet of Jesus. They are standing there - without any question of the guilt nor of the consequence. So, they drag her there each with a stone, or many stones, the size of a man's fist in their hands - ready to begin the killing. Now the story doesn't say - but the man (the other 1/2 of the sin) is most likely in on it and now standing at best in the crowd - at worst with a stone in his hand.

She, cowered in fear, lying on the ground - half dressed and about to die. A pawn with a reputation...


Jesus bends down and begins to write in the sand. What He writes we aren't privy to...but write He does. Whatever He writes convicts their hardened hearts.


He says this - "let whoever is without sin - cast the FIRST stone". I.e. Let the one here without any sin begin the stoning party.

The Bible says that rather than killing her - they EACH began to drop their stone (source of inflicting pain) and returned to their home.

Jesus then asked the sinner a question - "where are your accusers - have you NONE?" She - the sinner about to die - the guilty one - answers - "NONE Lord". Jesus replies, "neither do I condemn you...Go and sin no more"...


NONE! Why? Do you see it? Jesus somehow leveled the playing field of life. He caused each of them to realize that NONE of them were without SIN of their own! I.e. NONE of them had any right to throw a stone...

Jesus was the PERFECT ONE - He was the one that had the right to throw the first stone. Yet He chose to offer love, forgiveness, a future...

You see when they were made to be honest with themselves - EACH came to realize that NONE of them had a right to do damage to another - let alone destroy anyone.

Think about it - If EACH person just threw ONE stone a piece - it's not any ONE stone that would kill her. It's the CUMULATIVE effect of them all that would take her life.

So, depending on what side you wanted to end up on - each person could conclude either -
* I just threw ONE stone - I didn't kill her
* EACH could intend on their STONE being the ONE. Each could be so enraged that they fully intended on being the ONE that destroyed her.

Either way - once the stone left your their hand - no matter it couldn't be taken back.


If by any chance the sinner survived (which was legally impossible by the LAW) they would wear the SCARS forever - EACH inflicted by SINNERS just like her.

So what?

So - Jesus teaches us -

We are all sinners...

We tend to "judge" others by our own opinion of sin - subjectively.

Not only are we to NOT destroy a SINNER - we are to do them NO HARM (throw no stones) either.

An old Spanish proverb says it like this "Those who live in GLASS houses shouldn't throw stones".

Jesus said - those without sin should throw the first stone & not one qualified - no one has yet.

So, according to Jesus...NEXT time you see a real sinner - realize (remember?) that sin comes with enough of it's own consequences - you don't need to add any nor should you harm them further. Lastly, no matter how frenzied the MOB - don't get caught up with it all. The person you are about to harm is exactly that - another human being. Only now in great need...

I guess we ALL live in glass houses of some sort and therefore none should be throwing any stones at anyone.

I can't help but wonder - what did they say to her or think the next time they ran into this SINNER? What about her - what were her thoughts or what did she say?

Not one qualified to throw a stone...NONE!


Aug 11, 2009

The Parable of the Feathers


Once upon a time a certain man went to the town monk. “Monk,” confesses he, “I have been slandering you to my neighbors. I am truly sorry for what I’ve said and how I’ve treated you. I take back all the bad I have said. How may I find penance?” The monk nods, then sagely proffers this instruction: “Go pluck 3 chickens. Stuff a bag with the feathers, then place one feather on every doorstep where you have slandered me. Return to me when you complete your task.”

Scurrying away, the villager meticulously complies. He returns to the monk the next day.
“Monk,” smiles he, “I have completed your instruction. What should I do now?” “Now?” “Now,” intones the monk, “go collect back every feather.” “But, but,” splutters the villager, “this task is impossible, it has been an entire night the wind has blown the feathers in all directions.” The monk nods in agreement, turns, and walks away.

The moral? Words are important. The Bible says that our words contain either life or death! Once words leaves your lips, you can’t take them back and you cannot control where they go from there. Wherever they go - they are bringing either life or death to a person or situation. When you accuse a person of something, or "spread a rumor", whether it's grounded in truth or not, everyone who hears your comment will form an opinion about that person based on your words. What if your words are wrong or biased and slanted or not complete? Another problem with rumors is that there is an assumption on the part of both the basher and the listener that the words being spoken are right. What if you are wrong?

The worth, character, integrity, value and veracity and the future of a person cannot be judged based on his or her mistakes or failings alone. Isn't that what Christ came to resolve? A person is the sum total of all his/her failings and triumphs and achievements, bad decisions and good, wise ones, etc. It is easy to try and destroy a person’s reputation, but much more difficult to help restore it. If they have done enough damage to themselves already - why hurt them further?

Just a thought...

By the way - I shared this parable years ago regarding the power of our words/rumors. It's been on my mind a lot lately - so I thought I'd share it. The Bible is very specific about us wounding one another...about things we say...about things we even think about...

This is really about how you treat each and every person in your life. If you know of someone in your life-circle that's down - at the very least - do them no more harm. Because, as hard as it may be to believe - each of us will be down at some time in our life...each and every one of us!


Check out my new site - Journey

Jul 8, 2009

Redeemer & Redemption

Nothing real crazy to write...but I wanted to share a thought I'm sifting through & that is - the words "Redeemer (only found in the OT - which surprised me) & Redemption".

The words deal with the buying back or re-purchasing of something. The making new again...They are about taking something from one owner & buying it back or about recreating something to it's former state...

It's hard for us to see/find value in something that is all messed up...Like an old car - that's rusted...missing parts...been in a wreck...etc... Yet, someone that knows how to restore (redeem) it sees it quite differently than us. Watch a Barrett-Jackson Car Auction & you'll see the value of something seemingly of little value redeemed - often to values none of us would ever pay...

Well, when one looks at another life that's all messed up - it's hard to see any value left - because of the wreck(sin)...damages...etc...But God - the Redeemer - somehow is able to see the inherent value of our soul/life & ONLY He is able to redeem us from our sins...Simply because He knows the value of restoration & redemption...

I mean - isn't that the Gospel? Isn't that the Story of Jesus' life, death & Resurrection?

Beyond me needing to be redeemed - what about all the others around us?

For me - I'm trusting the Redeemer...

Just a thought...

Jun 25, 2009

Lord Teach ME to Pray

There's something very real (deep & meaningful) about not having anything but God. That place where you learn what it is to call out to Him expecting (maybe hoping is more like it at first) Him to hear & reply.

I mean think about it - I can't see God...Touch Him...Feel Him (physically)...Smell Him...I have no tangible means of validating His reality. Everything we believe & practice about Him is by nothing but faith.

Yet, how often are our prayer & even our faith not very deep - simply because they/it doesn't have to be. If God does - fine & if He doesn't it'll be ok. That's about where we really live isn't it?

My point? Allow your relationship with HIM to adventure some. Allow yourself to believe for the ridiculous God sized things in life. Allow your self to pray for the really really really really hard things. Ask God to do things that only He can really do - not the things that we can possibly make happen w/out Him. Let your prayer life become a practicing conversation with your Heavenly Father.

When you get there - regardless of how you get there - you will learn (or relearn) to pray. I mean really pray. As in believing that you are talking to a God that can & will...

Prayer was what the Disciples saw as key to everything about Jesus.

So, when they had a chance to ask for something from Jesus - they went right to the heart of His relationship with his Heavenly Father - prayer. They asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They asked him to teach them to be able to talk to God like he does. So, He did.

Not only did He teach them - He talked about asking for the BIG things...About believing & receiving...About the role faith should play when we talk to Heavenly Father.

For me - it's paramount that I pray. I mean taking time to get away from it all & get physically on my knees & talk/cry out/weep/be silent/listen/repent/worship - MY Heavenly Father. Then as I get off my knees - I definitely feel connected to someone that I can't see or touch & yet become increasingly convinced of His reality & His participation in my life - the good & the bad.

Lord - teach me to pray!

Jun 16, 2009


I have many titles for these thoughts...

A Perfect God & Imperfect People...God's Plan Remains...He's Greater...It Might Not Be As Fragile As We Think...I'll go with "EPIC" - as in story...Not just any story - the story of your life - with God in it...Or as we often say - life after Christ (AC).

My theme - is it really true that God has a plan for our life? By that I mean a perfect plan...By that I mean a perfect plan for imperfect people...

By plan - I mean something designed for each of us to do/be/accomplish/achieve...etc...But therein lies the dilemma - "a perfect plan for imperfect people" or more specifically "a perfect plan for an imperfect person like me". I mean - what about our imperfections...failures... sins...flaws...all the things in us that sometimes cause us to mess up the perfect plan for our life.

Then what?


When you read the Bible - we read about God's perfect plan being accomplished through people just like you & me - imperfect. That's definitely a reoccurring theme - people mess up God's plan for their life.

However, there's another reoccurring theme that seems to be even greater than the first. That's - God is greater than our mess ups!

It seems that when we read of someone messing it up in the Bible - God somehow pulls it back together & makes something good out of it. Of course, it's conditional on the person surrendering (or re-surrendering) to God & allowing Him to create something within again...Then we see it over & over & over - God's plan remains in tact - somehow. point - if, while we are alive, the story of our life is still being written - even after our failures/sins...then why stop living like it's all over when we fail? As hard as it might be - we can't quit.

Why allow the failure to define our life or our future?
Why allow our failure to become greater than the God within?
Why allow our sin to have the greater say in our life than the God who loved us so much that He forgave us of them?
Why not give God another chance with our life after failure & see what He can do with someone that has a broken & contrite heart?
Why not risk it & see what a Perfect God can do with an imperfect person - after the imperfections have shown up?

A friend of mine says "If you're going through hell - don't stop - keep going".


I'm not going to allow the sin of my life to be the greatest defining moment or to be the greater legacy of mine. Not only for me - but for my

I'm going to give the Perfect God a chance to help me write a better ending to my life story...

Another step...

Jun 9, 2009

A New Creation

2 Corinthians 5:16 - 21 says this:

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Verse 17 is in blue... it says that if anyone is in Christ - they are a new creation; the old has passed away & all things have become new.

My prayer is that God teaches me how to fully experience that (as a man...husband...father...friend...Christ-follower...) over & over & over - not just once...not just for the moment...not just for today...UNTIL...

Until - I am truly a new creation in all areas of life - from the inside out.

The only thing I currently know to do to allow this to happen is pray & seek God...By that, I mean to put myself on my knees & cry out to Him from my heart, trusting that those moments will be God-Encounters. God-Encounters where God does something within me that I am incapable of doing myself. Then trust that in real life - the "new me" is the one that lives...

Lord - Hear my prayer...


Another step...

Jun 8, 2009

Love Grace & Mercy

Here's where I'm at on something...

By sinning - I gave up ALL my rights to ask or expect anything.

What I mean by that - I have no right to ask for anything from anyone nor do I have any right to expect anything from them either. And I mean NONE...

Whether it's my kids...friends or anyone else - I have no right to ask for anything.

The way I see that is - I gave all that up through my sin. So...If anyone (Shawn included) decides to: come back into my my friend...hang out with's all a "measure" of love grace & mercy being given back to me. I have no right to ask for it nor expect it...

When you stand alone & are truly lonely - you are reminded real quickly how much love grace & mercy means to you - not in talk - but in action...

So, it causes you (me) to go from living, to some degree, a life of taking things for granted - to a life of taking nothing for granted. NOTHING! Anyone that chooses to come back into my life is exactly that - their choice & therefore a gift in my life.

So, what's that mean for me?

To all the people that have made the choice to come back into my life (& those that will), I'm hoping that I never loose that feeling of deep appreciation for each of you...It means the world to have friends & family that choose to come back in my life!



Another step...

Some are asking how to reach me or Shawn - our email is You can reach either or both of us there...

Jun 5, 2009

Random Thoughts Rants & Thanks

For those of you that have been on this site a while - you know the blogs have slowed down. I wanted to share what's going on in my journey - but since it doesn't fit a blog very well - I have to just throw it all out there.

You see - it's not that "nothing is happening" - because it is - lots...Lots of good things as a matter of fact - for family..etc...

So, in general - we are doing good...But some of the other things going on - the thoughts & stuff I/we are dealing with is what I want to share about...

Random Thoughts

Sin - there is no scale for sin. It all stinks - period. However, we all scale sin & make some worse than others - I do the same thing too. We all sin...

Silence is sometimes the loudest noise...

Rumors are like wildfire. The longer they live - the more out of control they become. 

Gossips are NOT looking out for your best interest - no matter what they say or how they say it...

Self righteousness stinks...

Unforgiveness is a spiritual emotional cancer that will rot your soul...

To not react is wrong - to live in your reaction is too...

Love is the main thing...

Like faith without works is dead - Love without action is too... Love is a verb & without action the words make no sense & becomes meaningless...

Talk is cheap...

Pastors have few friends show up if/when they fall...

Bottom line - this is all about heaven & hell - where we will spend eternity...Like you - I have to make it!

For the 100's & 100's that have reached out to us (Me...Shawn...My kids...) - you'll never know how much that has meant & continues to mean...THANKS!

Every contact (cards...calls...visits etc...) that has been made with Shawn is greatly appreciated...THANKS!

For those that embraced my kids at FAM - THANKS!

For those that have "risked" being our friends - THANKS!

Shawn & I are doing really well...So are my kids...We are determined to get through this...It's friends & family that have not made this about them & rallied around us that have helped buoy us in this storm...THANKS

As I said, this is just a bunch of things we are dealing with on a daily basis - stuff that's just running around in my brain...So, I thought you'd just like to know...

I'm learning & changing...

Another step...

Jun 2, 2009

Inputs & Filters

I'm hearing voices...

How do you sift through all the stuff? All the inputs of life & believe in some truth that's greater than your opinion of things?

I mean, just with people in general (let alone - lyrics...TV...Speakers (Spiritual or secular) how do you know? I'm not even speaking of the people you don't want to hear from (& yet sometimes do somehow). I'm speaking of just the ones you seek out & really do want to "know their thoughts".

Even they have their opinions...view points...ideas...what I thinks...etc...And each of them have heard from others/have their experiences/hurts/successes/sins...etc...And unless they have heard from God - they too are offering something less that truth - right?

I mean - trying to sift through it all & make sense of it - can get really crazy - really fast. Not to mention all the unwanted stuff that sneaks in somehow too...

I look around knowing my stuff is all public now. And because of that - I hear through that filter...I see through those eyes...I feel through that failure (sin)...And I really do have to rethink so much of what I thought I knew - about myself, others & even God...

To really be able to trust - when you can't trust yourself...WOW!

What is truth? How can you know you've found it? Even when you "hear from God" - you do so through your own filters - possibly with some bias toward what you were already thinking...

Is there a truth? I believe so - but I don't think it's always the first thing that comes to us - regardless of the source. Well, to clarify - I know God speaks truth - but even then we could hear what we wanted - not what we needed & call it God...

I have nothing to offer God & yet trust Him for it all in some crazy way again...I am reminded often that I am a sinner...And every now & then, I'm reminded that I am a sinner saved by grace...Praise God!

So, in trying to find truth & trust it - for family...and anything else - I put my greatest trust in HIS Word...Then I believe that as I humble myself before the Lord and as I allow Him to remake me again through:
prayer...meditation...silence...worship...brokeness...humility...service...etc... - that I will know HIS voice & that HIS truth will make me free...

Another Step...

May 26, 2009

Tough Not Being Me

For me, one of the toughest things to "gut out" is to truly (I mean really really really really) change.

I'm not talking about some big life event change...or some emotional change...or some brief change - that only disappears over time or in the real life tests...Typically what we call change is this thing that happens for awhile - only to be lost over time to the old habits again...Nope - I'm not talking about nor looking for that type of change...

I'm talking about changing somewhere deep within...Somewhere where you can't see or touch or really "get too", yet you know it's in there. I'm not sure if it's in your heart...mind...spirit...or somewhere else or in some tiny little corner or in your entire being...But you know it's there for it's the place that literally affects the essence of who you are...what you you you treat you "do life" in every area...It's the place that's the genesis of how you live...

It's just who you've been for however long & yet the part of you that desperately needs to change...I'm talking about changing in areas that's possibly been you for as long as you have been alive...The you that speaks without thinking...the you that responds automatically...the you that has to be repressed or shoved back out of the way or fought against in order to really change...I'm talking about the you that is just that - you...

When you are trying to change - it's not until you are in a "real life moment" that you find out if you've changed or not. For when the old you wants to show up it happens in real time - when the most natural response is the one you've had for years...the words most wanting to come out - are the ones you've used for a long time...the emotional reaction is the one that's causes damage or at least offers no healing in the moment...

Change happens when you dig down & allow God to cause a new word to be spoken...a new response to be offered...a healing to take place...

Oh, and by the way - whoever said that you can change any habit in your life within 28 days either lied or I'm totally missing this one...

For me - to truly change is a slow...painful...gut wrenching...mind numbing activity that has to be monitored almost constantly...I know I've really changed when I no longer have to think about it...When the "new" becomes the automatic...Then I know that I've changed...

And so, I'll keep fighting to take a step in the right direction...believing that a journey of a 1000 miles really is comprised of nothing more or less than a whole lot of steps...Some of which are so small - that other than the accumulation of them - they amount to little to nothing in & of themselves...


Another step...

May 22, 2009

If Today Was Your Last Day

I'm a music lover...I get a lot out of music...

A song that is high on my list right now is by Nickelback - If Today Was Your Last Day...Check out of the lyrics (in blue) - if you have an ipod - do yourself favor & get this song...

My best friend gave me the best advice...he said each day's a gift & not a given right...leave no stone unturned...leave your fears behind & try to take the path less travelled by...that first step you take is the longest stride...

If today was your last day& tomorrow was too late...could you say goodbye to yesterday? would you live each moment like your last? leave old pictures in the past? donate every dime you had? if today was your last day...

Against the grain should be a way of life...what's worth the price is always worth the fight...every second counts 'cause there's no second live like you're never livin twice...don't take the free ride in your own life...

If today was your last day& tomorrow was too late...could you say goodbye to yesterday? would you live each moment like your last? leave old pictures in the past? donate every dime you had? would you call those friends you've never seen? reminisce old memories? would you forgive your enemies? would you find that one your dreaming of? swear up & down to God above that you'll finally fall in love? if today was your last day...

If today was your last day...would you make it up by mending a broken heart you know it's never too late to shoot for the stars...regardless of who you do whatever it takes 'cause you can't rewind a moment in this life...let nothing stand in your way...cause the hands of time are never on your side...

If today was your last day& tomorrow was too late...could you say goodbye to yesterday?would you live each moment like your last?leave old pictures in the past?donate every dime you had?would you call those friends you've never seen?reminisce old memories?would you forgive your enemies?would you find that one your dreaming of?swear up & down to God above that you'll finally fall in love?if today was your last day...

It's just a song that helps me refocus & believe in each day - again...

Another step...

May 21, 2009

When Doves Cry

On Sunday, May 3 2009, my world pretty much came crashing in. For the sin in my life had been exposed & the tremendous consequences were being realized.

I'd like to share how, in one of the deepest darkest moments of my life, God found a way to speak to me in a way that I'd recognize & accept.

I was sitting on my back deck & felt like Al Pacino in the movie Scarface. You remember? At the end of the movie his world falls apart - because of him - that was exactly what I was world was falling apart because of me.

I felt alone...depressed...broken...confused...angry...lost...disoriented...etc... (you name it & if it's negative - that's what I probably felt that day). As I sat in that "funk" - kind of in a zombie mode - God decided to speak to me! Isn't that incredible!? That He would even care to speak to me at all...But anyway...

I'm an outdoor lover...I love nature. I've often found God moments in nature - so it doesn't surprise me that He'd use nature again to speak to me.

As I sat in a chair, slouched down to where my head was looking into the sky, a Dove came & landed out in front of me. So what - right? Well, I've never seen a dove in my backyard like that since I've lived in the house for 6 years. And not just a dove - a Mourning Dove. Next time you get a chance - listen to one - they sound very sad - like they are in mourning for something - or in this case - someone...As soon as it landed I thought "that's a strange place for a dove". Because I knew I had never seen one there before. Well, in a flash - about 6 - 8 more immediately landed all around the first one - like cued to a moment in time. And they all started mourning...crying...

So what - right...Blah blah blah blah...A bird landed in your yard...Well, you see - the Dove is symbolic of God's presence or Spirit.

It rocked my world deep inside me. A dam broke from within as I started to cry deep from within. Not tears of remorse - they had been flowing until about tapped out.

No...these tears were
tears of being loved when you feel like you are the most unlovable person on the planet at that time...
tears of being amazed that God would care to "send me a message"...
tears of how amazing grace really is...
tears of - you have got to be kidding me right you know what I've done - did you send them to the right person?

In that moment, I heard God whisper something very deep to me...

Bob - I weep for you right now...I weep with you...I weep over you...
Bob - I too am broken hearts broken too...
Bob - My presence is with you - even now...
Bob - it's true - I'll never leave you nor forsake you...

I'm telling you - it was a mark your calendar kind of moment...It was a moment that transcends everything of earth & is driven into your spirit. A moment that no one & nothing can ever take from me...

When the doves cried - I'll never forget the way God reached out to me when I needed it most - again...


Another step...

May 20, 2009

At the Risk of Offending...


One of my greatest challenges is the feeling of being under a microscope in ways greater than "before", because living under a microscope pretty much comes with the territory of being a pastor. But now, it feels amplified many times over.

Not in general, as if everyone is staring - though I do feel that at times too. NO, would you like to know where/how...? By the "religious police". Those that are: holding stones...looking for ammo...not feeling the grace thing...etc... And, I don't feel this overall, as in every area of my life - but it's in one area in particular. It's where God is speaking life back into me again... And, it's specifically in scripture - believe it or not.

How so?

Well, I feel like I have a handle on "what I've done". Trust me - the feelings/thoughts that have been a part of my life the last few weeks are not pretty. So, I think I've got the whole "you really screwed up" thing down...It's called sin - not a screw up - yup - got it...

Now, concerning scripture. I (like you) feed on the Word - its the subjective voice of God for each of us. It's "daily bread". And now that I'm trying to rebuild/recreate/restart/'s not the "you're going to hell now" scriptures that help me. I've read them & dealt with that with God - and am still dealing with it ongoing.

Rather, it's the: there's Hope in Jesus...Jesus forgives...Don't quit...etc...These are the scriptures that are now helping me actually believe again...

Here's the rub - when I want to share a scripture that is helping me - I hear in my heart the "religious police" saying things like: He didn't read far enough...he left the next part out on purpose...he didn't include all of it...etc...

So, I'm struggling w/in myself in this area. Do I let people know what God's saying to a sinner to help them rebuild their life from ruin at the risk of offending the "religious police" or do I say nothing to not offend & also not have the potential of helping...

Still not with me?

John 3:16, 17 says For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

But keep reading v. 20, 21 says For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."

See what I mean? I'm personally reading it all - I get it...But the one that is helping me rebuild is the loved me & is not condemning me stuff now...

So, at the risk of offending the "religious police" or those that don't want me to forget...or can't forgive...or feel as though it's too early for God to be good to me - I'll share.

Just in case another fallen comes along & needs to know that when their world truly falls apart... There is a Grace that is sufficient...
That where sin did abound - Grace did much more abound...
There is a God that still loves...
There is Hope in Jesus...


Another step...

May 19, 2009

Wire by Third Day

A song that always struck a nerve in me is the song Wire by Third Day. It talks about a high wire walker drawing a crowd & as he walks the wire - wondering "what if I fall?". What exactly would their response be...why were some of them there...what were their real motives...

Read the words of the song...(all in blue)

Turn on the spotlight, strike up the band...Everyone’s looking my way...They came to see the excitement firsthand and hear all that I’ve got to say...

Oh, it makes me wonder what if I slip, will they catch me or watch me fall?

I am walking on a wire...I tiptoe in through the fire never looking down to see that I am walking on a wire...The pressure’s getting higher but I don’t look around...

Everyone roots for the winner...The others well maybe next time...

Your time at the top only lasts fifteen minutes...Then they just leave you behind...

Oh, it makes me wonder what if I slip, will they catch me or watch me fall?

I am walking on a wire...I tiptoe in through the fire never looking down to see that I am walking on a wire...The pressure’s getting higher but I don’t look around it’s so far to the ground...

Strange stuff...Now, obviously, it's more than a song to me...

The answer to the question he asks is YES.


Another step...

New Prayers Old Prayers New Prayers

While talking to God (AKA Praying) yesterday...I realized that over time I had quit praying a couple prayers I used to pray all the time...

Here they are

1 - I used to pray words from a song "I bow my knees before your throne...I know my life is not my own..."

That prayer always reminded me that I am on this earth for HIS purpose & not mine. Somewhere that prayer just got lost...

2 - I used to pray that God would "break me" & then ONLY pick up the pieces that were for HIS glory.

I always pictured myself as a vessel God would pour through. In wanting to be a vessel of honor - I wanted to be exactly what He created me to be. Again - another prayer that just got lost.

3 - I used to pray that I would die daily & that He would increase in me. Like John the Baptist said - Jesus must increase & I must decrease.

I always pictured Jesus as increasing His capacity in my life. Somewhere that too got lost...

4 - Even with a vibrant prayer life I, like the disciples, would ask Jesus to teach me to pray.

I always believed that prayer is so much more than drudgery. Yet, without faith engaged - it's psychobabble. Therefore, I'd ask Jesus to teach me what prayer really is - so I could truly get to know Him more & more. This prayer too was lost along the way.

One thing I know is absolutely true for me - as my prayer life goes - so go I. If it's good - I'm good...If it's not - neither am I. Looking back, I see that my prayer life had become little more than rescue missions for Bob from time to time & not really a practicing relationship with Jesus, my Savior...Lord...Master...

So, yesterday, as my spirit was renewed at His feet (again), each of these prayers were prayed again & what a moment it was as God led me back to some things that have been lost along the way.


Another step...

May 18, 2009

Galatians 6 - Crazy Stuff...

Potentially my last lesson taught at FAM was Galatians 6. I'd like to reflect on a couple parts of the lesson I taught w/subsequent thoughts in blue.

Ga. 6:1, 2 says if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. (2) Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ...

The passage teaches us to restore the fallen - considering ourselves while doing so. I taught that we should treat the fallen the way we would want to be treated if we ever fall.

Thought - Little did i know that w/in 72 hours - I'd need that in ways greater than ever in my life & little did I know where that would or more importantly would not come from. Amazing!

Verse 2 means that we should help the fallen bear the burden until they are restored...

Thought - Never ever live your life so that it (any part of it or your destiny) ends up in someone else's hands. That my friend is a miserable thing & place, for no matter what - not everyone is looking out for your best interest.

Ga. 6:7, 8 says Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (8) For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

The passage teaches the "Law of Identical Harvest". Whatever seed you plant is the plant that's going to grow. It's a law or principle (meaning unbreakable rule).

Thought - Trust me - this is absolutely 100% true. Your "seed" will eventually become a harvest in your life. For me, my challenge is now the next verse. Verse 9 says And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. I now have to "replant" my life's field & I have to do so long enough & consistently enough to over take the "old" harvest. "Do not lose heart" means to not give up hope - that is a tough one right now.

Additional Thoughts

Don't EVER forget relationships are more important than religion. I have seen religions fangs & "it ain't pretty".

There are no delete or rewind buttons in life.

Satan is a serpent not a rhinoceros...

Nuff said for now...

Journey On...

May 16, 2009

Lots to Say - But Will ONLY Say What Needs to Be Said

In the next several months I will be on a journey...

A journey with God to the center of my universe - my heart.

If the 1st few steps are any indication - there will be many steps - some of which are very difficult & some of which are very liberating. But either way - step I will.

In the last couple weeks - I have had a couple "God moments" that have literally blown my mind & I have had moments where my faith was so shredded that it was gasping for air or worse.

I have learned a great deal already (about God...myself..others...) - not all of it's been pretty & some has been very ugly - but I have learned.

In this journey, I will share:
that which needs to be shared...
that which is ONLY helpful...
that which might benefit others...

I will not have any other agenda than to:
journal the God (& other) lessons for ME...
record personal insights from them...

I am determined that I will complete the race...I will finish my course...I will fight a good (better) fight..



In the next several months, I will take a journey I've never chosen to take - a journey deep within myself - with God.

I plan on allowing Him to access parts of me, mainly being somewhere deep in my heart, that believe it or not - He's never had full access to. I'm not saying He's not had my heart because He has - there's just a piece of it that He's never had, because it's been very isolated and protected from not only Him - but from everyone - including myself.

I have no idea how to make or allow this to happen - but I am trusting in Him alone to do this. I will fully participate as I learn how - again trusting Him to teach me.

Somehow, I will be a different and better person in the future than I am today and ever have been.

The story of the Phoenix (being reborn from its ashes) is my icon for this journey…

So... Let the journey begin...
