A principle guidance system God placed in our life is "Actions Produce Feelings".
Now, I'm 48, and that's not what my generation grew up on. We grew up with the saying, "If it feels good - do it". And the assumption with this was also, "If it doesn't - then don't".
IE - Let your feelings kind of be your guide...
The only problem with this is - that's just not how God created us. He created us quite the opposite actually. He created us so that our actions would produce feelings...those feelings in turn should help guide us in reinforcing or correcting certain actions.
What I mean is, when we act right, we are going to feel right & when we don't, we won't. It's that simple...yet, its profound.
Consider this as an example.
When we want to lose weight or to get in better shape. Once we decide we need to get in better shape, we now have some sort of goal(s) that come with it. Whether it's to eat better...stop eating certain junk foods or types of foods...exercise...etc. So, we decide we are going to change our lifestyle.
OK - here we go. We wake up Monday & are going to go to the gym. Only - we don't "feel" like it, so we don't. Now (pay attention here) our actions (or inaction in this case) of not going to the gym are now going to not only produce a certain set of feelings, like failure & disappointment...they are also going to reinforce the feelings we gave into - of not wanting to get our butt up & out of bed. Do you see the reinforcing loop set up? We didn't feel like it & so we didn't. Now our actions are going to produce negative feelings & in turn, will make it even harder to break the cycle on Tuesday. Feelings followed will only be reinforced by the actions from them...like a snake coiling tighter around us all the time...
Let's suppose we did get up. We went to the gym, got our workout on...sweated...felt like we made a baby step in the right direction. Needless to say - we are going to walk out of the gym, feeling pretty good about ourselves...Actions produce feelings. Also, our actions will help negate the negative feelings...
Let's change gears.
Not only does actions produce feelings, we can't feel good about acting wrong. It's not going to happen. Again, it's God's way of trying to guide us to doing right, specific to our values. So, if you are not acting right - in ANY area of life - there is NO WAY you are going to feel good about it. It's not going to happen - period.
Here's the deal. As we act right - we will feel right. Anytime we act wrong (don't act on our right impulses) we are going to feel wrong. If you are not feeling good about some area of life - perhaps it's God's way of trying to get your attention. The more you act right according to your convictions & values - the more you'll feel right about your life.
It doesn't matter if it's "public or private" or "known or not known"...you will either feel right or wrong about how you're living your life in EACH & EVERY area...
Follow the peace...
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