Apr 12, 2010

Taking Up Your Cross

How crazy is it - that when Jesus told us to take up our cross...that He was not associated with a cross yet? 

To think - their image of what he was teaching, was simply a detestable form of execution...the worse of the worse died on a cross...Yet, He said that we are to take up our cross daily & that if we don't - we are not able to be His disciple.  He must have been saying that, on a daily basis, we need to execute our old nature.  The image is one of a violent confrontation needed to really overcome the old us.

When was the last time we really did something even close to that in trying to overcome the old us?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The daily struggles remind us of who we truely want to be in Christ...even when we don't always live up to those aspirations.. Whether it's when we get a call from someone we know we shouldn't even entertain listening 2 on the other end of the line or when we step on the scale...we have to daily weigh more than how many pounds we are, but what we are allowing in our every day walk... or to take us over or to consume us...consumption can be an awesome event or it can make you sick of who you are and what you are...I have to pray daily that I'm consumed by my creator and His power... not by the sins of this world that love to try and slip into my life undetected....I attempt to die daily 2 my wants and pray that God helps me and everyone else realize who I am in HIM.