Several verses in the Bible talks about God going BEFORE us...BESIDE us...and BEHIND us...
I've been praying those for months now...Mostly I’ve been focused on the 1st two – Before & Beside me...
When I pray, I picture those being true - He is already there & He is going with me...
By going before me, I’m asking Him to: prepare the be there when I get make the difficult doable...impossible take the secular and make it spiritual...In essence, I'm believing that as He goes before me - He is literally preparing the way for me/us in all areas of our life. As we move we deal with the we just live again...I need to know & believe that in all areas of my life...
By going WITH me, I'm seeing Him as Immanuel - the God that goes with me/us. It seems easier to deal with things, easier to live again, easier to do anything - when someone is with you - or when you are not alone. So, I put than into my faith - God is WITH me right now...He is BESIDE me...The Bible says that He is so close that He is in my Shadow. There are times I can really sense Him being iwth me - His strength...peace...calm..etc...There are other times - it's just in my faith - I know He is with me, because He said He would be...
Then - the one that really has hit me lately - that He goes BEHIND me. The way that has become a faith thing for me is - that when I leave from somewhere...God is still there! He is there still at work. Taking all my inability & making something out of it His way...Taking my feeble efforts & placing his touch on them...When I leave - it might not be done...might not have been might not have been exactly the right words...or whatever...But God - stays there & keeps working for me/us...It's by His Spirit only that anything happens anyway...So, I've learned to just trust that as I/we walk forward in life - God takes our best efforts & works in & through them as only He can...
The same passages also mean that as He goes Before...Beside...Behind....He is not only preparing, He is protecting...I've needed His protection in many many ways...He is Faithful...
God is ALL Around - Pray It...Believe it...Practice It...
That’s a great way to look at this passage. I often feel that God is with me…as more than just a support. I have had the opportunity to be faced with going into buildings that housed individuals who have already committed murder or have said they will not be taken alive. I always pray with the men before we enter. I go in having two assurances…I am protected. and if it is my time…I am still protected…I have a new home.
What an awesome God. To know that He is leading us, with us and behind us. One way I like to look at Him being behind us is to think that when we tend to stray from the path that He is leading us on, He will be behind us to help us change our direction and return to His intended path.
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