Mar 11, 2012

Why I Want to Be a Risk Taker

Our youngest is on a Competition Cheering Team.  Stars is their name.

It's the 1st time in her young life that she has been: part of a team sport and been part of  cheering too.

So, she entered the year a little behind the learning curve.  Today, we were on the way to pick her up from practice, when she called us.  "I got my cartwheel" was the declaration coming through the phone.  Needless to say, she was excited.

The cartwheel was conquered.  Running...hands on the ground...feet over head...feet back on the ground...hands over head.  BAMM.  Done.

Easier said than done.  Somewhere in the past it was fake run...acting like hands were going to hit the ground or once advanced, they hit the ground - sort if... fear or anxiety was the rule.

But.  She did it.  She "got her cartwheel".


Because she wanted it bad enough.  Bad enough to overcome her fears & anxiety.  Bad enough to overcome her inability.  Bad enough to ignore she was behind on things.  Bad enough to just get it done.

Bad enough to risk whatever she calculated as the cost.  Not only did she want it bad enough...she wanted it bad enough to do it - until, "she got her cartwheel".

I want to live like that.

I want to take whatever risks are necessary to "get my cartwheels" in life - whatever they might really be.

I want to want something bad enough to go after it.

I want to feel that fear/anxiety that leads into equal celebration when conquered.

I want to go after those things that fear is holding me back from.

I want to "get my cartwheels" in life.

Each & every one of them.

Don't you?


1 comment:

lindy said...

Yes, sounds so exciting! Wish I had time live life and not just in serial mode. Would love to have a cartwheel moment.