Feb 16, 2012

The SAUNA is HOT...better be there for a reason


It went like this.

I walked into the sauna today after the wonderful "just keep swimming" swim lesson.

I say "how are ya" to the man in the sauna.

"In a lot of pain" was his reply.

A few minutes go by of "sauna-ing" and I ask "does the sauna help your pain?"

His reply "no - not really.  I just come in here because I've gotten in saunas for about 30 years".

Silence.  End of conversation.

I thought - that's crazy.

Have you ever been in a sauna.  It's called a sauna because it's really really hot in there.

As a matter of fact - this one's thermometer was reading 150 degrees.  That's hot.

So, I stayed in for a while - thinking about the guy that was in there - not because of the benefits of the sauna - rather because it was his 30 year old habit...he didn't know why he did it anymore, other than he has always done it.


They are funny things - huh.

Sitting there, I thought about my life - then yours...hence this blog.

I sat & thought for a while - "what habits are in my life - serving no purpose at all?".  They are just that - habits.

Not only are they serving no purpose - they possibly are holding me (or you) from starting on something else more beneficial.

They say, if you practice a "new" habit for 30 days - it will be ingrained in your life.  That's bull.

It takes something more than practicing it.

It takes being committed to it - over & over & over again.

It takes finding the value in the "new" more than it takes finding the lack of value in the "old".

It takes starting over & over - until...you do it without even thinking about it.

Like walking into a 150 degree sauna - for no reason other than that's what he's done for all those years.

I eventually walk out - leaving the guy in there - still sitting because that's what he's done for about 30 years or so.

So, with that, I leave you & me with a question...or 2.

What habits are in my/your life that need to be changed?  That are serving no real purpose.  That are even holding us back form a new habit - more beneficial for our life now.  That maybe somewhere in the past, you started out on - only to go back to the old because you thought it would be easier than it was.

The sauna is hot - at least know why you are sitting in it.



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