May 16, 2009

Lots to Say - But Will ONLY Say What Needs to Be Said

In the next several months I will be on a journey...

A journey with God to the center of my universe - my heart.

If the 1st few steps are any indication - there will be many steps - some of which are very difficult & some of which are very liberating. But either way - step I will.

In the last couple weeks - I have had a couple "God moments" that have literally blown my mind & I have had moments where my faith was so shredded that it was gasping for air or worse.

I have learned a great deal already (about God...myself..others...) - not all of it's been pretty & some has been very ugly - but I have learned.

In this journey, I will share:
that which needs to be shared...
that which is ONLY helpful...
that which might benefit others...

I will not have any other agenda than to:
journal the God (& other) lessons for ME...
record personal insights from them...

I am determined that I will complete the race...I will finish my course...I will fight a good (better) fight..


1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I think of you, Pastor Bob, I think of Abraham and of Peter...God loved them so...and He loves you, too. You, through Him, have taught me so much about the teachings and many life lessons. You are wished only the best...I SHALL continue to pray for you and your family. You are all loved very much. We all fall short at some point..I miss you.