Jun 16, 2009


I have many titles for these thoughts...

A Perfect God & Imperfect People...God's Plan Remains...He's Greater...It Might Not Be As Fragile As We Think...I'll go with "EPIC" - as in story...Not just any story - the story of your life - with God in it...Or as we often say - life after Christ (AC).

My theme - is it really true that God has a plan for our life? By that I mean a perfect plan...By that I mean a perfect plan for imperfect people...

By plan - I mean something designed for each of us to do/be/accomplish/achieve...etc...But therein lies the dilemma - "a perfect plan for imperfect people" or more specifically "a perfect plan for an imperfect person like me". I mean - what about our imperfections...failures... sins...flaws...all the things in us that sometimes cause us to mess up the perfect plan for our life.

Then what?


When you read the Bible - we read about God's perfect plan being accomplished through people just like you & me - imperfect. That's definitely a reoccurring theme - people mess up God's plan for their life.

However, there's another reoccurring theme that seems to be even greater than the first. That's - God is greater than our mess ups!

It seems that when we read of someone messing it up in the Bible - God somehow pulls it back together & makes something good out of it. Of course, it's conditional on the person surrendering (or re-surrendering) to God & allowing Him to create something within again...Then we see it over & over & over - God's plan remains in tact - somehow.

So...my point - if, while we are alive, the story of our life is still being written - even after our failures/sins...then why stop living like it's all over when we fail? As hard as it might be - we can't quit.

Why allow the failure to define our life or our future?
Why allow our failure to become greater than the God within?
Why allow our sin to have the greater say in our life than the God who loved us so much that He forgave us of them?
Why not give God another chance with our life after failure & see what He can do with someone that has a broken & contrite heart?
Why not risk it & see what a Perfect God can do with an imperfect person - after the imperfections have shown up?

A friend of mine says "If you're going through hell - don't stop - keep going".


I'm not going to allow the sin of my life to be the greatest defining moment or to be the greater legacy of mine. Not only for me - but for my marriage...family...friendships...ministry...

I'm going to give the Perfect God a chance to help me write a better ending to my life story...

Another step...