Nov 6, 2011

Random Stuff...

Some things drifting around in my head about "church"...

1st - Outside the "obvious things" - what makes church - church?  What I mean is, what are the real values of being in a church?

Like today for instance, we ate breakfast together, not in a sanctuary, but rather a school cafeteria... We had a time of worship - that was really good... a message... IE The typical pieces of a church service & some very non typical pieces.  But it was was worth being there today.  What makes that happen?

I would think that on the front end of this - it would be easy to discount this as not being a "real church service".  Yet, it was a great day.

2nd - If you had never been to a church service, what would you be looking for?

If you felt that you needed to "go to church", what would be your hope when you went?  What would you hope you took away?  This questions is one I'm wrestling with a lot lately.

3rd - As you become part of a church - or I like the term "group of Christ followers", what would be the long term impact on your life?   Why commit to a given place...why show up at a given church for a long time?  Why not just drift around - as long as you go somewhere...?

4th - I wrestle with the whole purpose of "organized religion".  Not in some anti Biblical way...rather in a "we have really Americanized it" kind of way.  Like so many other things, I wonder how far off we've gotten from what Church should be & do on any given Sunday...What are the coree values we can't afford to lose & what are the variables we can tinker with?

5th - I loved today.  What it did...said... How it felt.  The buzz that was in the air.  The excitement of the people.  How real worship was.

IMO - You couldn't leave there & not feel like something real had taken place.  But, what was it?

6th - In trying to figure out what Genesis is being called to be & do - it's these things (all the above) that are part of the wrestling.  What keeps the non-negotiables in tact...How can we adhere to the Biblical pieces & yet expound on them in ways that are not always within the box.  How can we be a place where we are allowing God to do incredible things in & through us & yes do it in greater ways than typically thought of?


just some things that are causing me to lose sleep lately...thought I'd share 'em.



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