Nov 11, 2011

What Stories Are You Telling?

Something I've been really thinking about lately is about the stories we tell.

I don't mean stories as in lies...I mean in memories we share of the past.

You know, the stories you tell about your past...when you were growing up...things you remember something about...your crazy days...your endeavors...things you're proud of...things you almost died doing...blah blah blah...those things.

But, here's what I'm really thinking about - how old are the stories you tell.  I mean, what's the most recent story event that you have wanted to share with someone else?  Are most of the stories from a long time ago?  Or are they more recent in life?  Are they 5, 10, 15 years old?  Older?  Or, are they like "let me tell you what happened just last week...month...year...?

What's it matter, how old they are, anyway?

Maybe it doesn't...maybe it does.

I'm not sure if it matters...but it has me thinking - a lot.

If it doesn't matter, then apparently life has a way of calming us all down...taming where we talk more about when we were younger than when we are older.  Or something like that...

Typically, the stories we share, are from moments in life we want to "keep alive" by talking about them.  I don't mean "keep alive" in some negative way - I mean, we want them to keep them alive, because that's how we felt when they really happened - ALIVE.  So, we keep them alive by telling them - again & again.

Good...Bad...Indifferent - we felt ALIVE in some capacity when they really happened.

What if most of our "I want to keep that memory alive" stories are pretty old?  Doesn't that mean to some degree that we quit living a little?

That's my take on it for me.  If most of my stories are from some time in the distant past...what happened?  Why am I not doing things now that are worth talking about?  Why am I not being crazy when it's time to be crazy?  Why am I not singing out loud...dancing like mad...running in the rain...Why am I not going after it & talking about it?  Why am I not taking risks, and then win or lose, talking about the risk?

It all hit me a couple weeks ago, when one of my kids let me know that they had heard me tell "that story" several times.  Then, later, while talking to Shawn, I asked "have I told you this?"..."Yes", she replied.  "Then why not stop me from telling you again?" I asked.  She said, "because you like to tell that story."   Again & again & again...


I'm looking for new stories to things to laugh at...I'm looking to live again in whatever area that  has quit living...that area where stories are worth replacing the "old ones".  I'm looking to take some risks again - in the area where fear has taken over...I'm going to identify the chains I've allowed to creep in on me & I'm getting them off.  I'm getting the Bucket List out in life & finding a way to start some new "have I told you the story about..."

I'm looking to fully live - again.

Yes, "Death has plucked my ear & said, LIVE, for I am surely coming."

It's time to take the leap & become fully alive...

New stories to follow...

Anyone want to come along?



to Shawn - I love you!  I look forward to our new stories...
to my kids - I love each of you in very special ways - I hope you dance!  live live live...

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