Nov 3, 2011

I Mean REALLY...

So, a few thoughts...questions...ponderings..etc.

1st - Can, Will & Does God REALLY forgive anything? (Other than blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  Which, when I read the passage on it, means ascribing the works of God's Spirit as being of the Devil.  Unless I misunderstand that passage...there are denominations that do this all the time...?  But that's not the point of this blog).  Outside of blaspheming, Can Will & Does God forgive any & all sins?

We all have an answer to that question already.  If our answer is yes - it has to be yes every time, all the time.  For every person that repents & asks God for forgiveness - the answer has to be the same every time.  YES.

If our answer is NO, then how do we decide on which "sins" or "people" get the forgiveness?  What's our deciding factors?  Who gets it & who doesn't?  It seems so subjective, when we start deciding ourselves - huh?

I think the Bible is clear - He CAN WILL & DOES...but, we are the ones that "grade" or "scale" sins, making some worse than others spiritually.  Therefore, we struggle with this area.

2nd - Can a person REALLY change?  I mean really change.  Again, we have an answer to this question already.  Our answer, determines how we respond to everyone in our life...the good...bad & yes - even the ugly - spiritually speaking of course.

It's a powerful question to consider.  If we aren't careful, we will pull in the secular mentality on this whenever deemed appropriate for any given person or sin.  What I mean is, the world says that: some people can't change...can't quit...can't recover...etc.  The Bible says we can.  So, which do we say?  It's another area that we can be very subjective in.  We can pick certain sins, or sayings from the world's side & apply them over what the Bible says.

Are we really "in recovery" forever or are we truly set free?  Is it true that "once a cheater/addict/liar/____...always a cheater/addict/liar/____" or is the old really gone?  It is true that "they (whoever they are in our life) will never change" or can they walk in the spirit & not fulfill the desires of their flesh?  See what I mean?  The world says one thing, the Word another.  IMO, You can't have both.

We have to be careful how we answer this.  Because, the answer we have for one person - should be good for another as well...actually, not only good for another - good for everyone.

But, my experience is, that we pick & choose the people that "are serious"..."are sincere"...are "something".  And, that something, we use as being the YES or NO for them.

3rd - Am I REALLY psychic?  Easy answer, NO.

And guess what - I don't think you are either.  I don't believe in psychics.

So, why do we think we can read each others minds?  Why do we think we "know what they are really thinking"?  Why do we think we can "tell" something about a person & be able to share that with others...all because of our "psychic ability"?  Of course, if we really need to, we can make it spiritual & then call it "discernment".  That places a whole 'nother spin on it then.  It's like we put "God said" on it - and then for whatever reason, it goes if it's out of bounds now.  IMO - often, we do that just for that go unchallenged in our opinion(s) of someone or something.

My Point???

If we aren't careful - the 3 questions listed can all be answered all subjectively & all wrong.  This will only lead us to be highly selective in our view of others sins & their ability to change.  We can put our own idea of what they are really up to, or that they aren't REALLY "_____", & end up with quite a mess of how we do & don't view or accept people in our life &/or church.

We either REALLY believe God CAN WILL & DOES forgive or we REALLY don't.  We either believe people REALLY can change or we REALLY don't.  We either believe we REALLY can read others minds or we REALLY don't.

Which is it?

We can't have it both ways!  REALLY!


Choose which side you are on regarding: your opinion of God's forgiveness...People's ability to change & your psychic ability.  AND, REALLY stay there, 100% of the time...every day...every person...every story.  BUT - Don't live on both sides as it fits your comfort really gets messy.



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