Someone taught me several years ago about having "creative space" in your life. It has proved to be one of the most valuable ideas...principles...i know of regarding - hearing from God & getting out of the superficial realm.
Creative Space is this idea that we live too fast - in all areas of life. Therefore, we typically live on the surface in all areas of our life. Meaning, we just go from place to place...when we get to one place - we are aware of the next place...Or while we are talking to one person, we are thinking of where we need to be...etc...I.e. we seldom live in the moment & we seldom come up with any ideas that are unlike the ideas we already have & live becomes this monotonous life - same old same old - over & over.
So, Creative Space is where you intentionally slow down & make space to think/create/hear from God/reflect...etc...Or, creative space is where we slow down & reconnect with others that have kind of gotten lost in the shuffle of life...
Anyway, the way it works for me - is to be highly intentional about creating this time & space in my life to really rethink it really listen for God's voice or promptings that are sometimes lost to the immediate & the mundane (ie the things we do daily & react to rather than the things we should be planning for).
If you find you are living life at a pace that feels like you are running from place to place...meeting to meeting...appointment to appointment...etc...Then slow down & find a place void of all the inputs of life for awhile AND listen to the promptings within...listen to your soul...listen to your heart...for it there you will be lead to the real things of life.
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