Jan 30, 2012

2nd Chances...Deserved or Not?

What's your take on the phrase "2nd Chances"?

Do you personally believe everyone deserves one, or are you of the opinion that not everyone deserves one?

Actually, I don't really care if you believe in them.  What I really care about is this.

Are you someone that offers them?

It's a huge question.

Not only huge.  It's a revealing question as well.

I'm well aware that there are people on both sides of this belief.  Some believe in & offer 2nd Chances & some don't.

But, more importantly, what I really think people believe in is - both.

What I mean is this.

I think most people (perhaps all) do believe in & offer 2nd chances.  However, I also think most people don't believe in 2nd chances for everyone.

More specifically.

I think we all believe there are people deserving of a 2nd chance...

But I also think there are filters they have to get through to "be deserving".

For instance.

1 - We all have a list of "no-no's".  If said person committed one of our personal "no-no's", then they are disqualified from a 2nd chance.  Period.  Period meaning, we settle this issue & are ok without revisiting our stance on it.  What's done is done.

2 - We all play favorites.  If it's a family member of ours or a close friend...or even someone of our choosing...then, they rate higher on the 2nd chance scale.  We are more likely to believe they deserve a 2nd chance than perhaps someone we don't really know or like...or someone we decide is undeserving.  It's not a very objective process.

3 - If the said "no-no" hits closer to home...2nd chances are less likely to be offered or deserved.

4 - It seems like we are pretty comfortable with our personal stance on offering 2nd chances.  Meaning, what we believe...or stand for (or against)...how we treat another...etc...we are ok with it & rarely change from that position.  No matter, there might be other ideas...opinions...truths...teachings...etc.  We don't move much off where we are & have been.

5 - We tend to offer 2nd chances disproportionate from the way we'd like to receive a 2nd chance.

6 - Ironically, some people just read #5 thinking they don't need, nor ever will need, a 2nd chance...

By the time someone gets through our personal filters - it's a limited self defined group or person that really "deserves a 2nd chance or not".  And we act accordingly.


How you answer the question is going to have ramifications all of our lives.

It determines how we will treat others needing a 2nd chance.

It also determines...

Whether we forgive others or not.

Whether we are able to move into the future or not...or allow another to do the same or not.  Or, we kind of do & kind of don't.

Whether or not we will carry out our own form of judgment or not.  Un-forgiveness or not.  Anger or resentment.  Even, a shallow form of "holier than thou".

Whether or not we will carry some mutated form of grace around - for special occasions or people.


What say ye?

Does everyone deserve a 2nd chance or not?

Be careful how you live this out.  It will come back to you or someone you love one day.

I guarantee it.




THood said...

Wow.... Gonna have to chew the cud on that one.

G said...

Chew on which part? I'm curious...hope ya reply after chewing.

Deanna said...

as long as they have repented or turned from the No-No, They deserve a second chance whether you like it or not.
Life is to short and to precious to hold grudges and I truly believe the only reason the 2nd chance is not given is because of grudges and hate.. The friend or family tie you talk about is because there is a direct tie to love for that person. Thats why Jesus is the King of second chances(LOVE). JUM

G said...

Jum. Jesus = King of the 2nd Chance = I love that...might hear that again.