Jan 2, 2012

Speed = Shallow...

Bill Hybels tells the story of riding on the Autobahn...going extremely fast...actually too fast.

He says that when he first got into the car - the conversation was meaningful...had substance to it.

However, when the driver hit the Autobahn & reached speeds in excess of 120 - the conversation became meaningless...nothing more than him answering in one syllable words, grunts or moans.

Then, when the speed decreased, depth came back to the encounter.

His story is really tied to the pace of our life.

He talks about how we tend to go so fast, that we seldom connect with others, or even ourself, at a meaningful level.

He mentions that our conversations become shallow...superficial.

He teaches from this real story, that we all need to slow down.

For it's when we slow down - we are able to connect with others...even God.

So - how will you slow down this year?  How will you make meaningful time for those that matter most in your life?  For God?  For yourself?

Unless you slow down & connect - you will be living in the shallow parts of your thoughts...dreams...visions...love...conversations...etc.



Become significant...

Mean something...

Find yourself...

Discover that which has been lost to the speed of your life...

Rediscover that which you've forgotten all about...

This year - live deeper - not faster.


ALSO - check out this link... Reply here...

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